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Alt 14.06.2012, 22:48   #1

Benutzerbild von Sorgnix
Registriert seit: May 2000
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Detektor: Große Nase, Augen, Ohren, Merlin, Whites XLT, Tesoro, Nokta Impact, Rutus, OGF-L, UW 720C, Mariscope Spy, Chasing M2 Pro ...
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Zitat von Thuni Beitrag anzeigen
Hat jemand vllt. ne Ahnung, wo sowas im Internet steht ? Habe bisher leider nicht viel brauchbares gefunden. Nur in einem Forum hieß es, es werde geduldet, jetzt stellt sich die Frage, inwiefern ich dem vertrauen kann ?

... VERTRAUEN darfst (DARFST!!) Du im Internt NIEMANDEM!!

Auch uns nicht ...

Für ne verläßliche und verbindliche Auskunft BLEIBT Dir halt nur die Botschaft ...

WO sonst noch was stehen könnte??
... wenn Du nicht in der SuFu immer "Malle" eingeben würdest, wäre Dir u.U. schon geholfen.

Hast Du es in DIESEM Forum schon mal mit dem Suchbegriff "Spanien" versucht???

Ein Ergebnis, bei dem aber leider die Original-Quelle nicht mehr online ist:

The Spanish Tourist Office in London advises in their General Information sheet:

Metal Detectors: The use of metal detectors is not allowed unless an import license for the detector has previously been issued. Further enquiries should be made to the Spanish Commercial Office.

The Commercial Office at the Spanish Embassy, if asked, provide the following written information:

1. The use of metal detectors could involve considerations of the Law and Regulations governing artistic or archaeological finds, involving national heritage and treasure trove, as provided by the very detailed Law of 25th June 1985 (Historical Heritage); and the Royal Decree of 10th January 1986 which develops it.

2. If anything is found, therefore, it would be necessary to comply with the complex procedures outlined in these enactments; and it would certainly not be possible for any finds to be taken out of Spain until the proper Authorities had given their consent. That could take months; and if the article in question is classified as part of the national artistic heritage, and/or is over 100 years old, it is not likely to receive an export permit either at all, or for a very long time, owing to the complexity of the procedures.

The second aspect is a technical one. The Royal Decree of 25th November 1987, which deals with nuclear energy and radio-activity, lays down rules and safeguards against radiation. The Order of 20th March 1975 sets out the homologation rules for radio-active apparatus. The metal detector in question may not comply with those rules.

There is a third aspect. The local Naval Authorities have been known to complain because the use of metal detectors has interfered with electronic communications.

All in all, therefore, it is preferable not to use metal detectors in Spain .
Erweiterte Suchfunktion nutzen.
"Spanien" - nur die Beiträge im Forum für Rechtsfragen anzeigen lassen

Die Berühmtheit mancher Zeitgenossen hat
zu tun mit der Blödheit ihrer Bewunderer ...

(Heiner Geißler)
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